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CoQ 10

New Chapter Garlicforce 30sg


List Price: $25.95
Your Price: $18.17
You Save: $7.78
Item Number: 4075
Manufacturer: New Chapter 30% OFF
New Chapter's Garlicforce is the world's first and only dual extract of supercritical and post-supercritical fresh garlic. Garlicforce contains the purest, highest, and broadest spectrum of stable sulphur-nutrients from allician, such as ajoene, dithiins, and alkl-polysulfides, the very center of activity of fresh garlic. Garlic force also delivers the health-promoting values of total garlic cysteines. Simply put, it is the most concentrated fresh garlic available anywhere. It also contains New Chapter's unique Sopercritical Herbal Deodorizing/Digestive Enhancement System. Ginger has been proven to significantly potentiate the activity of garlic, and New Chapter', the world's leading ginger company, adds its supercritical ginger to maximize the free-radical scavenging and cardivascular benefits of Garlicforce
