If you remember the popular andro's and prohormones that have been banned in the past few years, and would love to have something as strong or stronger than those products like 1-AD, Halodrol-50, PheraPlex, well we have your answer. Hemaguno HEMAGUNO by Spectra Force Research is an amazing addition to the nutritional prosteroidal market. Its active ingredient, 2 ,3 -epithio-17 -methyletioallocholanol 0.0125g (12.5mg per tablet) is a chemical analog of a steroidal aromatase inhibitor used safely in Japan for decades. But this is not the only thing that makes HEMAGUNO special: The ingredient in HEMAGUNO has an amazing “myotrophic-inducing profile” and when compared to similar products currently on the market, it is immediately clear that HEMAGUNO is vastly superior on a milligram-per-milligram basis Through independent studies they have clearly shown that HEMAGUNO is not only 15x more myotrophic than Halodrol-50 and 20x more myotrophic than ProMagnon, but that HEMAGUNO has a phenomenal “myotrophic ratio” of 12, whereby Halodrol-50™ has a myotrophic ratio of only 2.6 and Pro-Magnon™ a ratio of only 1.1. This means is that on a milligram-per-milligram basis HEMAGUNO is far less likely (4.62x less likely than Halodrol-50™ and 10.91x less likely than ProMagnon™) to induce undesirable, androgenic mediated-type side effects such as acne, hair loss, etc. With HEMAGUNO less is really more. A daily dose of 25mg is the maximum amount needed and many people are able to successfully use less than this amount to see exceptional results. As with all products � especially those in this category, it is very important and absolutely necessary to fully read the instructions and follow them completely.

Price: $53.99
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Manufactured by Spectra Force

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